Dressing room

We will provide a dressing room for people whose cosplay is not suitable outdoors or long time wear, or needs mending.

On the first floor in the left wing you will find a classroom specially for that. The room will be unattended so please do not leave your items there. You can leave your clothes and valuables in a bag in the cloakroom.

There are no separating walls in the classroom so if your costume requires undressing more than you’re comfortable around other people, the right wing of the first floor has bathrooms (floor plan HERE). The classroom will have desks, chairs, some mirrors, wall sockets, and a small cosplay aid kit (thread, needles, hot glue gun).

The room is not meant to be used as a resting place – we have a separate break room for that purpose.

On Sunday we have a separate dressing room in the gym meant for the cosplay competition.