- Fill in the online application form HERE stating all the required information on the character, model, and photographer down below. The deadline is 7th July 2024.
- Photos can be submitted by either the photographer or the cosplay model, but they must have CONSENT to do so from both parties involved.
- To take part in the contest the participant must submit photos both in digital format and a physical copy that will be showcased during the event.
- The physical photos must be sent by postal mail latest by 15th July 2024 to Vanemuise 48, 51003, Tartu linn, Tartumaa, Estonia or submitted on the first day of the event (20nd of July) until 13:00 to the information desk. If the photo hasn’t arrived by 19th of July, we will ask you to bring the photo to the event, otherwise you will be disqualified. NB! Packages can get lost in the mail so make sure that you have an extra copy just in case to bring to the event on 20th of July if the unfortunate event happens.
- If you wish, you will be able to get your photos back at the end of the 2nd day at the information desk or by contacting the cosplay staff, we will not however mail photos back.
- The awards will be announced on the 2nd day of the event (21st of July) during the main award ceremony.
- Even though one photographer can submit multiple photos, they can only place once in the competition, meaning they can not win multiple prizes (other than audience favourite).
- The photos cannot contain any sexual material, indecent gestures, profanities, or explicit violence.
- The photos must be printed in good quality on photo paper of at least A4 size (recommended 2480 x 3508 pixels) and maximum A3 size (4961 x 3508 px). Online photos must be submitted in JPG, JPEG or PNG format.
- It is allowed to use Photoshop.
- All photos must be sent to us via the online application form and approved by our committee to be valid. After receiving the confirmation email, the photos must be physically submitted via postal mail or given to the staff on the first morning of the event by 13:00 (Saturday, 20th of July).
- Sending the photos via postal mail: must be sent latest by 15th of July 2024 to the address of Vanemuise 48, 51003, Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia. Receiver name must be marked as MTÜ Jaapani kultuuriklubi Asashio. Behind the photo please write the photographer’s full name and model’s name. The photos must arrive by 19th of July (better send them earlier than later). If the photo has not arrived by July 19th, please bring the photo to the event or you will be disqualified.
- One photographer cannot submit more than 3 photos; one model cannot appear in more than 3 photos. Submissions that were not agreed upon between the model and the photographer will not be accepted and will not be exhibited at the event.
- Cosband/group is limited to one photoshoot with 3 group photos per, and if individual photos are submitted, one person still can appear only on 3 photos in total.
- By sending us photos, you confirm that all of the parties allow the photos to be involved in the contest. If photos are sent without consent of any party – the photos will not be accepted to compete in the event.
- By joining the competition, you agree that photos may be used for AniMatsuri advertisement purposes (with photographer info of course).
- By submitting your application, you agree to follow the contest rules.
- The works that were approved and brought to us on time will be displayed in a gallery at AniMatsuri 2024, on 20th and 21st of July 2024.
All works will be evaluated by a professional jury and top 3 photos will be awarded with prizes. To find out the judges, keep a close eye on our social medias! Additionally, we have an audience favourite prize that will be chosen by the audience during the event.
In case you have additional questions, please contact us by

Chris Kon
Chris Kon on pühendunud cosplay kogukonna kunstilisuse jäädvustamisele visuaalselt rabava fotograafia abil. Erinevatest kunstivormidest inspireerituna katsetab ta meelsasti erinevate temaatikate ja valgustehnikatega, et luua ainulaadseid ja kaasahaaravaid pilte. Püüdes pidevalt oma oskusi täiustada, keskendub Chris igal fotosessioonil värske vaatenurga ja loovuse toomisele.
Leia ta sotsiaalmeedias:

Kristof Nachtergaele
Kristof Nachtergaele ehk N8e võttis kaamera kätte 2006. aastal ja sattus aasta pärast seda üritusele, kus avastas cosplay, ja sellest saati jäigi taolistel üritustel käima. Fotograafia on hobi, mis arenes lihtsalt sisseehitatud välguga kaamerast kuni autotäie välklampide kaasas vedamiseni. Ta peab endiselt hämmastavaks, et see hobi võimaldab tal kohtuda inimestega üle kogu maailma ja inimesed tulevad ikka veel koos temaga üritustele pildistama.
Leia ta instagramist:

Marcus Vall
Marcus Vall ehk Strawtownhero on enda kohta öelnud järgmist:
“Aeg ja koht on vahe edu ja ebaõnnestumise vahel. Valguse koosmõju mõistmine on võtmesõnaks, kas midagi on või mitte. Umbes kümme aastat olen kõndinud valguse kõrval, kaamera käes, nii portreede kui ka maastikufotograafiaga.”
Leia ta sotsiaalmeedias: